Impact, Communications and Strategy Department

  • Tarragona
  • Institut Català Dinvestigació Química

General description : The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) is seeking a Manager for its Impact, Communications and Strategy Department.

Our mission is to lead, from the vantage point of molecular science, cross-strategies for solving major social and economic challenges, such as climate change and sustainable supply of energetic and raw materials, thereby contributing to the establishment of a knowledge-based economy and improving citizens’ quality of life in our influence area.

Tasks and Responsibilities :

  • As Impact, Communications and Strategy Department Manager your role will be leading, designing and implementing the institute strategy to strengthen the national and international recognition of ICIQ.
  • Develop the overall communications strategy for the institute.
  • Work in close relation with other units and departments of the institute to generate new ideas and innovative strategies.
  • Ensure communication consistency among different stakeholders, aligned with the core brand guidelines.
  • Supporting engagement with the institute and external partners, donors and stake holders.
  • Support the impact measurement within proposal writings.
  • Transmit the importance of frontier research in chemistry and project a positive image of the institute.
  • Create proposals for new outreach activities and to foster collaborations with other institutions promoting science education.
  • Promote the relationship with the scientific and the educational community, studying the characteristics, needs and motivations of both the public the researchers.