Myp Dutch Teacher

  • La Moraleja
  • Ics

LOCATION International College Spain

JOB TITLE Secondary Teacher DP and MYP

Ensure students make outstanding progress in their learning by;

  • Providing an inspiring and effective education in the relevant curriculum areas
  • Engineering and exploiting opportunities to enhance student wellbeing and positive attitudes to learning
  • Building trusting and honest relationships with parents through timely and effective communications

JOB PURPOSE Creating inspiring and safe learning environments that encourage innovation and risk taking and celebrate Equality Diversity and Inclusion

  • Acting to support colleagues within your teams, the wider school and in our multiple communities
  • Committing to Continuing Professional Development to enhance practice and increase impact on student learning
  • Playing an active and positive role in promoting a school culture based on Excellence, Respect and


REPORTING TO Head of Subject Group

  • Department members
  • Grade Level Leaders


  • Head of Learning Support and Head of EAL
  • Parents

PACKAGE Published scale


TEACHING Providing an inspiring and effective education in the relevant curriculum areas

  • Plan effective lessons that reflect the department Unit Planners and all relevant IB criteria and links to NAE partnerships
  • Lead lessons which reflect the school´s Teaching and Learning Charter and effectively assess student progress in order to provide students with support and challenge where appropriate
  • Provide regular verbal and written feedback on learning to students, in line with the school´s assessment policy, so that they understand how to make further progress
  • Maintain sufficient records of student attainment using official platforms and methodology, in order to track and demonstrate progress in learning
  • Participate in curriculum based field trips and cocurricular activities to encourage a deeper understanding of the curriculum area, including NAE Global Campus
  • Prepare students for external examinations including determining predicted grades
  • Provide students with advice on option choices
  • Support named students in undertaking MYP Personal Projects and DP Extended

Essays and assessing accordingly

  • Participate in Academic Board meeting to support individual students?

PASTORAL Engineering and exploiting opportunities to enhance student wellbeing and positive attitudes to learning

  • Keep regular records of Attendance in lessons
  • Report to and liaise with GLL team, SEN, EAL and Counselling Teams to ensure extra support is provided to those students who need it
  • Carry out breaktime, lunchtime and before and after school duties as per the school rota
  • Report any concerns about children in danger or vulnerable situations to the

Safeguarding team

  • Mentor older students if and when appropriate
  • Upholding school Code of Conduct for students at all time

Role of Tutor

  • Undertake the role of Form Tutor, including taking the daily attendance register
  • Ensure Daily Wellbeing Time and PSHE lessons are effective
  • Build relationships and trust with students
  • Support the assemblies programme through personal presentations and helping prepare class assemblies
  • Support tutee transition in to and out of ICS
  • Support tutees with CAS or SAA responsibilities

PARENTS Building trusting and honest relationships with parents through timely and effective communications

  • Complete regular reports and attend arranged conferences, as per the school calendar
  • Maintain ongoing records of student attainment on ManageBac, as per the school

Assessment Policy

  • Undertake, proactive, informal communication, including positive updates
  • Promote the outstanding practice of yourself, your teams and the whole school, through newsletters, yearbook and social media posts and informally through all conversations
  • Support the admissions team with open days

ENVIRONMENT Creating inspiring and safe learning environments that encourage innovation and risk taking and celebrate Equality Diversity and Inclusion

  • Ensure a positive attitude to learning in all lessons by all students through planning carefully for classroom management and following up any concerns as per the school Behaviour Policy
  • Ensure that the organization of classrooms is conducive to learning and that classroom displays are used to aid teaching and learning or to celebrate student success
  • Report any Health and Safety or IT issues to the relevant teams in a timely manner
  • Ensure that all students are treated with equity, that diversity is celebrated and inclusion is realized at all times in every classroom

TEAMWORK Act to support colleagues in our multiple communities

  • Support the Head of Subject Group with the planning and execution of

Department Development Plans

  • Support the Head of Subject Group with Curriculum development, including the creating, discovering and sharing